Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Comes to a Close

photo courtesy of Pingu 1963

New Year's Eve. Humans have marked time across the ages in many ways. These days we commonly use a calandar and clock to tick by our schedules and events. Today offers an opportunity to take a broadview of where we were for the last 12 months in our lives and to ponder the next year. For myself, I am closing out a year of dramatic life changes which required enormous fortitude and was filled with rare magnificent good fortune.

Here's to certainty of self and the power of love. Happy New Year.

An Army for Oranges

Courtesy of Aoife City womanchile's photos

Just a little food for thought.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Holiday Story

photo courtesy of ABC Carpets in New York City

We were in a large, well known department store yesterday in which I rarely find myself. I usually can't take the lighting, crush and lackluster of so-so garb or the nerve-shot crowds. But there we were. It was the weekend following Christmas so the place was literally torn apart and strewn with all the brand names. It was getting late when I overheard an oddly inspirational chat between two clerks.

One exclaimed to the other that she had so many sections of clothes to re-set that she asked her husband to come in to help her and he agreed only if she agreed to have dinner out afterwards. When I asked for her assistance with a blouse on a mannequin and was shy about asking her to help me, she told me that it was no problem. In fact she said she loved her job. She said she always vows to never "do retail again" after every holiday but she said she just can't help herself.

Somewhere in this exchange is the understanding that sometimes the help of another is absolutely necessary and that although work can be completely exhausting, there is something to treasure and for which to have deep gratitude.

Who in your life is ready when you need them? And what do you love about your work, whatever that is?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Friend at the Heart of an Angel

A little while ago I was talking to a dear friend. As we were winding up our heartfelt dialogue, I had a beautiful image come to mind. It was a huge white angel floating in clouds and in the heart-center of the angel, my friend and I were talking. It was almost as if we were in a private crystalline chat-room in which the most clear and true words were being exchanged. What a gift and a miracle of life to have this kind of experience with another human being.

Can you recall finding yourself transported by an exchange with another?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Office Hoo-doo

So many of us roll into an office every morning surrounded by other people and with an enormous amount of tasks to be accomplished in the day. We sit dutifully in our chairs, gazing a emails and various documents that speed into our hands awaiting some type of action.

I have found that having a couple of centering objects nearby, usually within easy sightlines offers a bit of cushion and grounding as the hours fly by and the demands arrive. For a while a tiny, plush hippo reminded me to be silly and at ease. Currently I have a small prayer mounted discretely nearby that reminds me of my Divine Self which helps me limit a sense of self importance and over-attachment to things out of my control. It seems I like to change the objects over time as a reflection of some aspect needing added support.

What do you have in easy sight at work that supports your sense of self?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Change the Angle

The other day my sister called with something that had upset her. When I heard what it was that bothered her about a recent interaction it seemed that the best approach would be to 're-set' or 'do-over' her approach. Not unlike taking your furniture and shifting it into a more comfortable arrangement for a better feel, a 'do-over' lets us take another angle in a moment that can have immediate results with lasting implications.

I have been impressed with how making a quick conscious decision to take another perspective, emotionally or psychologically, can change the moment and the outcome. I have learned energetic acrobatics that come in very handy in creating more life ease. Hurrah!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Graceful living

photo courtesy of J Brown & CO

Humans have an ineffable spirit when it comes to softening the harsh edges of life. You see this everywhere. Every culture, it seems, has a way of using shape, color and texture to infuse its daily objects with appeal. South American cultures, for example have perfected the use of texture and color to convey the story of object usage in terms of origination. Blankets and clothing tell stories that began hundreds of years ago. The Japanese culture is magnificent with form and decor relative to the most mundane daily object as exemplified by all the brilliant, inexpensive doo-dads of daily living.

It seems that humans are imbued with a sense of grace that extends in every aspect of life. We love giving and receiving things of beauty as if to convey an understanding that while various life events and experiences occur as a part of being alive, we can balance the challenges with creativity and sweetness.

J Brown & CO offers decor for 'a graceful way of living' and can be visited at their store in Alexandria, VA.