Shared insights and experiences of the contemporary world as expressed by people, places and things, and their reflections on daily living
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Mekom Hanekhama
photo taken at ABC Carpets in NYC
Safe places are a necessity across life. Stop and think a moment about where yours is found. Hopefully you have a place established somewhere. At a conference today on death and dying I was introduced to the Hebrew term 'mekom hanekhama' which refers to creating safe places. In this case it was suggested that we need a place in our home that is a space to reflect, pray and process our emotions and thoughts. Sometimes this space is an entire room or area. Sometimes it is a chair or floorspace. Let the people who live in your home know the purpose of the location.
To establish a safe space consider including:
A comfortable chair or sofa
Objects with meaning that comfort you
A journal
Photos of loved ones
A great resource for information on grief can be found at The American Academy of Bereavement,