(Vase photo compliments of Random Harvest in Alexandria, Virginia)
Do you recall reading or seeing the movie Like Water for Chocolate? This is a lush tale written by Mexican novelist Laura Esquival that reveals the power of emotion when cooking. Food takes on the character of the cook right down to the thoughts and emotions being experienced. It is worth a read.
I had just such a remembrance recently when I was doing my own hair for a special event. My cell phone rang and I saw who was calling. Intuitively I knew not to pick up the phone at that very moment. For at the time I was in crucial mid scrunch. No kidding, if you have fine hair you will know of what I speak. Had I taken the call and heard what I knew I would hear, I would have made a mess of my hair.
I am reminded to thoughtfully expose myself, when it is in my control, to possibly stressful conditions when I am not in the middle of doing something special for myself or others.
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