Photo courtesy of Kosmos Designs & Ideas
Have you noticed the proliferation of spiritually oriented décor objects on the market in the last twenty years? Buddhas are everywhere. Angels of all kinds line shelves. Candles are in containers printed with prayers, wishes, hopes and dreams. I have a number of these types of items sprinkled around our home. In fact, my Buddha has an orange plastic monkey sitting in its lap and is wearing a dragonfly necklace. The former was previously perched on the cocktail I was sipping in a Washington DC restaurant when my husband asked me to marry him. The latter was a gift from a friend that was brought to me from Bermuda. What is going on?
I think we make our little alters that provide us feedback about what is important in our lives. These objects provide a lantern on the path of our lives reminding us of the deep things about being in the human form. At this time in our humanity we are as a race collectively holding a more expanded consciousness that is unlike any prior time on earth.
What do you have in your home that signifies the best and most of who you are?
For some great objects of inspired decor check out Kosmos Designs & Ideas in Old Town Alexandria, VA or on the web at