I had suspected it all along and now that I live in a large suburban neighborhood in a metro mecca, I am convinced of it. I am a Townie at heart. If you are reading this and are a Townie too you are someone who loves hanging about in roughly five miles of real estate, not too much farther out from that. You gad about among stores, restaurants and parks all within either a short drive, or, sigh, a short walk. And everyone knows you or at least of you. Sigh again.
There is an art to being a Townie in the 'burbs. It involves searching out worthy local businesses and frequenting them as well as carving out habits in the nearest places to get to nature and relax. Establishing visits to the local Farmer's Market is another cornerstone in the Townie habit.
Are you a displaced geographical sort seeking to find home in a new way too?