Thursday, July 3, 2008

When Hard Stuff is the Right Stuff

I am reminded by yet another jaunt into America's heartland that doing the right thing, even when it is difficult can immediately clear up a congested circumstance for the better. In this case, it had to do with work. But I am aware that this thought applies to the deeply personal too.

Deciding to take responsibility for a less than lovely aspect of self in order to build healthy relationships and allow for the good to grow is not easy. It does have rewards though. In all cases it restores hope and opens a path to something new and possibly very rewarding.

Of course I'd be remiss if I did not emphasize the importance of providing yourself with a lot of love and kindness in the process. In the heartland case, for example, I engineered the difficult day to include plenty of rest and creature comfort which included a beautiful hotel location downtown right by a bricked-in historic area beside a glorious fountain that attracted lots of children who petted the horses waiting to give carriage rides.