Sunday evenings fast became the gateway to the business week for my husband and I. We realized that we rushed along during the day to get in errands and perhaps a social event just to round out the weekend. We also fell into a natural routine of preparing a meal for dinner that included fish over which we lingered a little longer and put a little more heart into than during the busy weekday meals. We found Wegmans to be a great place to sample a wide variety of seafood, in fact. What we also realized is that we needed a 'soft' transition into the week, one that emphasized the love of being together and enjoying a meal. My husband even spoke to the fact recently which is suprising as he is not prone to such pronouncements.
To add to the delight of your Sunday Dinner Ritual (and every day), select some lovely ceramics to add to the spirit of the meal. Check out these beautiful pieces at Hi+LoModern Ceramics, a Swedish ceramics company.
Hi+LoModern Ceramic