Spent some time on business this week in St. Petersburg, Florida. It felt great to take a short jaunt out of town as I don't travel very often for work. Each day before work and after, I spent extra time focusing on being more conscious and peaceful. I had taken Julia Cameron's book Heart Steps along with me. It was noticable to me how much more agreeable and relaxed I am when I take just a little time to focus my intention and create more daily acceptance of what simply IS.
I am always amazed at the results of paying more careful attention to events and interactions with others. On this trip I was able to spend some time really listening to some of my colleagues and learning more about how they deal with similar themes to my own both personally and professionally. It is all too easy in our American five-minute-shower lifestyles to go it alone. This trip reminded me to recalibrate my own intentions on a daily basis and to accept and give support wherever it is found or needed.