Bringing in Baby: That Jumpy Monkey baby tee may send a deeper message
Look through any catalogue for baby gear and it is clear that we want only the softest and gentlest of things to come into contact with our new babies. As humans we want to sweetly ease them into the home and make them welcome into the world. We choose soft, natural fabrics and color pallets like those used in Jumpy Monkey tees and Little Giraffe blankets: easy on new bodies and suggesting a smooth landing from mother’s womb to the earth. We want the first messages baby gets to be ‘you are safe, comforted, and welcomed here’.
Even before the baby is born, it seems that people all around the world do some version of the welcoming song as if they are calling the baby forth. In Native American lore, the Whale’s song is a tonal record for all that is past, present and future. Perhaps the act of preparing for baby by purchasing the crib, attending showers and receiving gifts taps into the part of the song that celebrates the coming of new life with its mystery and magnificence. Universally, this song’s call may be an expression of the hopes and wishes for all generations. Who knew that Coyuchi baby bedding could herald such universal themes? Perhaps the designers knew if only unconsciously. There does seem to be a growing awareness of the ethical and energetic impact of objects on consumer psyches which is spawning a new age in product development and availability. A cursory check of baby product websites like provides a good example of the baby-song refrain.
The gifting process is a great example of celebrating the preciousness of a life coming forth. It may even be that the person who absentmindedly picks up a cursory gift from Babies-R-Us for a shower contributes in a symbolically potent way. Perhaps this gifting action alone sets into motion a thought and wish that is transferred right to the very being soon to arrive. Even without waxing on such lofty concepts, the thought that an act of welcoming kindness sends a positive message is easy most to imagine.
The next time you are a fortunate part of the human welcoming chorus, take the opportunity to consider, just for a moment, what message you want to convey as you take part in the celebration. Consider the art of mindfulness and intention as you select the gift or attend baby related events. Consider yourself lucky to be a witness to such life affirmation and remember that it is possible that the message you send with your presence and offering may have such an effect as to cosmically rebound into your own life.
For some current and cool baby gifts like Bobux Baby Shoes and Jumpy Monkey Tees check out and