Cundy’s Painting
The painting of Cundy by American sculptor and painter Stan Mullins is one of my most beloved objects. The funny thing about this painting is that I am the self-appointed steward of the painting. My desire is to give it to one of Cundy’s children when they are of age and would like to have it. The painting itself is not for the feint of heart. It is a somewhat distorted and harsh portrait of a woman, who in real life is tender and soft prone only, when called for, to a sharp angle or two. I have moved it from place to place giving it prominence in many small spaces in which it tended to suck up a lot of air. Guests not used to this type of display often remarked some more kindly than others.
I love it because it reminds me of my young adult years in Georgia. It also reminds me of that aspect of my own beauty that is less than sunny. It is as if I live comfortably with an uncomfortable image in order to demonstrate my own acceptance for myself. The painting also comes with a fantastic story of ‘boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl marry others and then finally, divorces all around, boy and girl marry each other’ coupled with ‘the painting that would not stay away’. That’s right. The painting made the circuit until it landed in my safe hands. Ahhh, I love art.
To see more of Stan Mullins' work go to