I think by now we all get how important it is to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. There are tons of books on the subject and an enormous array of cooking shows on TV. Have you noticed how absolutely gorgeous the dishes are in the photos and at the end of the shows? The food designers set the visual scene for the reader or audience by selecting the right shape, texture and color of serving dish and placing it on the just perfect table top adorned with a glass of wine or some other appealing item. A simple heirloom tomato sliced neatly on a beautifully glazed pottery square and drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil is enough to inspire poetry.
In the same vein, think about offering yourself and your family this layer of richness. Collect visually pleasing serving dishes and eat-ware. This type of collection can begin at Goodwill and end at Prada. Anyone can take part in feasting to the fullest and creating an atmosphere of plenty which goes a long way toward creating satiation so necessary in a healthy diet.