So much can be said for those islands of refuge known as inner city gardens. One of the most appealing I have ever seen is le Jardin des Plantes in Paris. It has an almost pre-historic feeling to it and the garden gives a sense of peace and tranquility within its tree and plant lined walkways. Very far away from Paris, I have recently moved to a suburban neighborhood. While being someone who appreciates antiquity and organicity I find my new ‘hood clipped, efficient but overall visually pleasing. I have discovered my own suburban retreat about midway around the block. While it does not begin to approach the scale and depth of Paris gardens, it does offer a breather from the sidewalks and houses all around. I even look forward to stepping into the shady path, taking a breath and feeling closed over as I drop into the woods for what is literally five minutes of walking pleasure.
Where is your mini-retreat from the urban/suburban scenery?
Go to www.aviewoncities.com/paris to see Jardin des Plantes